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Money Making traders

Money Making traders are more active and trade bigger trades. Not only do they make more (in dollar terms) on their winning trades but at the same instance they lose more on their losing trades because their size of of lots are slowly increased.

Because of their ability to not deal with losses very well unsuccessful traders don't risk as much on the deals as they become so cautious. This increases their insecurity and gives them a trading inferiority complex. Most unsuccessful traders are so distracted by their losses that they start their quest for the Holy Grail over and over again every week.

You can save so much energy and time processing your losses positively. Almost all trading techniques can be made to be profitable by adding a number filters anyway (or reversing the trading direction on unsuccessful systems) so the trading system is the easier part.

Poor traders lose cash due to poor (or no) money management and having an inappropriate trading psychology (which includes how losses are accepted by the trader).

Good traders lose money because it is part of trading (the market will always do what the market will do) and they don't lose any sleep about these loses. How well do you deal with your trading knocks?

The biggest difference between successful traders and unsuccessful traders is the ability to deal with losses positively.

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